Miss Dorinda Neligan

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Single

Born: 1833

Died: 1914

Place of birth: Cork, County Cork, Ireland

Education: Sorbonne, Paris

Occupation: Headmistress

Main Suffrage Society: WSPU

Other Societies: WEU; CSWS; WFL; WTRL

Arrest Record: Yes

Recorded Entries: 1


Other sources: http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C4769024
Elizabeth Crawford, The Women's Suffrage Movement: A Reference Guide 1866?1928 (1999)

Further Information:

Additional Information: Dorinda was arrested for taking part in a deputation to the Prime Minister in 1909, with several other women including Emmeline Pankhurst, but the case was dropped. She was among those leading the deputation to the House of Commons on 'Black Friday' in November 1910. Dorinda also supported the Women's Tax Resistance League (WTRL) and had her goods seized and sold for the debt in 1912.

Other Suffrage Activities: Dorinda was headmistress of Croydon High School between 1874 and 1901 and, from 1893, was a vice president of the Association of Headmistresses.

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