Mrs Louise Mary Eates

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Married

Born: 1877

Died: 1944

Place of birth: Richmond, Yorkshire, England

Education: Edinburgh Ladies College

Main Suffrage Society: WSPU

Arrest Record: Yes

Recorded Entries: 1


Other sources:
Elizabeth Crawford, The Women's Suffrage Movement: A Reference Guide 1866?1928 (1999)

Further Information:

Family information: Married a GP in 1901, who persuaded her to join the suffrage movement.

Additional Information: Louise helped found the Kensington branch of the WSPU, to which she acted as secretary between 1906 and 1910. The Kensington branch became one of the richest and most active branches. She became an organiser for North Kensington in 1910 and was chief marshal for two Kensington processions. She also spoke at meetings and travelled to promote the cause throughout the Midlands and Wales. In 1909, she was arrested in Parliament Square for her role in a deputation to the House of Commons, and was sentenced to one month in prison in Holloway. She left the country for a couple of years, returning in 1913, and became a member of the United Suffragists (US).

Other Suffrage Activities: In 1902, Louise acted as honorary secretary for the Women's Industrial Council. After the First World War, she became a lecturer for the Workers Educational Association, secretary for the local Women's Institute and honorary secretary and president of the Acton (London) Women's Citizen Association.

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